There is over $18 billion in trust fund money available to mesothelioma victims.
For decades, people were exposed to excessive levels of asbestos around the United States at thousands of job sites, on military ships, in schools and in many other areas. As a result, these people are at a higher risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Many of the companies that produced and manufactured products containing asbestos at these sites knew as far back as 1918 of the dangers of asbestos and did nothing to protect their employees or the general public. They chose money over the health and well-being of loyal employees and their families.
Once the employees and their families learned of these dangers, many of them began filing lawsuits against these companies across the United States. Due to the magnitude of these lawsuits and the rise of mesothelioma cases, officials created trust funds to help ensure that mesothelioma victims who were exposed at one of these sites received financial compensation for their injuries.
Several trust funds have been set up to pay compensation to people who have developed mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases. There is over $18 billion in trust fund money available to mesothelioma victims. If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and have mesothelioma, you may be eligible to file a mesothelioma trust fund claim and receive compensation. Complete the form above or call 800-259-9345 to speak to the legal team at Maune Raichle Hartley French & Mudd regarding your case.