Massachusetts Exposure Sites

Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.

Below is a partial list of Massachusetts buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a Massachusetts mesothelioma lawyer about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 866-373-5000.

Acton Insulation Co.

Adams Flood Control Project
Arnold Print Works
Bancroft Arnold Print Company
Berkshire Cotton Manufacturing Company
Board of Education
Brightwater Paper Company
New England Lime Company
Rudd Co.

Boston & Albany Railroad

Asquith Association
General Motors
Guardian Corp.

Celanese Corporation of America

Advanced Surfaces Division
Merrimac Hat Corporation

Amherst College, various buildings
Amherst Company
Amherst Graduate Research Center
Converse Building
Goodell Library University of Massachusetts
Hampshire College
Johnson Acoustics, Inc.
Tillson Farm
University Library - University of Massachusetts
University Of Massachusetts, various buildings
Vermont RR Tillson Farm - Utilities Dist. Project

Andover High School
Andover Plumbing & Heating
Merrimack College
Phillips Andover Academy
Raytheon Manufacturing Company
Shawsheen Mills
Tyer Rubber Company
Western Electric

Arlington Hospital
Churchill Apartments
Marex Company
Mirak Building
Symmes Hospital

North Naukeag Sanatorium

B Mettey Tool Crib
Fenwal, Incorporated

Athol Table Manufacturing Company
Diamond Match Company
Edson Fitch Company
Gay and Ward
L.S. Starrett Company
Union Caro Div. F U T O
Union Twist Drill Company

American Reinforced Paper Company
Attleboro Chain Company
Attleboro Manufacturing Company
Attleboro Refining
Attleboro Steam and Electric Company
Automatic Machine Product Company
D.E. Makepeace Company
H.M. Williams and Company
Hebron Manufacturing Company
Maratahon Company
Metals & Controls, Inc., Corporate Div. of Texas Instruments
Plastimold, Inc.
Saart Brothers Co.
Sensata Technologies, Inc.
Sturdy Memorial Hospital
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Town of North Attleboro Wastewater Treatment Plant

Attleboro Falls
Attleboro Steam and Electric Company
Standard Braid Company

Anderson Plumbing
New Auburn High School

Star Market

American Shoe Shank Co.
Avon Housing Project

Ayer High School
Fort Devens

Back Bay
Boston Edison Company - Scotia St. Power Substation

Baldwinville Products Inc.
W.E. Fernald School, Valley Barn, Temple Colony

Lake Clifton High School

Barnstable County

Barre Wool Combing Company Ltd

Barre Plains
Barre Wool Combing Company Ltd

Norton and Attleboro Electric Railway Company

American Optical Company
Cambridge Research & Development Laboratory
Hanscom Air Force Base
Hanscom Field
Middlesex Turnpike
Mitre Corp.
Sacred Heart Church
U.S. Veterans Administration Facility
Veterans Administration Hospital

Belchertown State School
University Of Massachusetts - Apple Cold Storage

Eastern Refractories Company Inc.
Manganaro Brothers, Inc.
Mclean Hospital

Winston and Company and Locker

Beverly Gas and Electric Company
Beverly High School
Beverly Hospital
Brimball School
Burner Supply
Metal Hydrides Inc.
R.S. Elliott Plumbing & Heating
United Shoe Machinery Company
Zampell Refractories

Boston & Maine Railroad Company
Housing for the Elderly
Sav Mor Market

Blackstone Manufacturing Company
Blackstone Mill
Blackstone-Millville Regional School
Lonsdale Company, Blackstone Mill
Town of Blackstone - Sewage Treatment

Boston Duck Company

2-L St. Station South
325 Mt Vernon Street
3rd District Station
A T & T Co.
A.J. Harris, 645 Summer St.
A.S. Campbell Company
Academy Homes
Albany Building
Albert & J.M. Anderson Manufacturing Company
Allen & Berenson
American Bell Telephone Building
American Net and Twine Company
American Sugar Refining Company
American Tube Works
American Woolen Company, Inc.
Ames Theatre
Anderson Nichols & Co
Andrew-Myerson Company
Annex to City Hall
Ashton Valve Company
Associate Auto Body, 1st Street
AT & T Telephone Company
Avon Street Trust
B.F. Keith Theatre Company of Boston
B.F. Sturtevant Company
Back Bay Towers
Badger for Miles Labs
Balcom Electric
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company
Bateson Construction
Bay State Gas Company
Bay State Street Railway Company
Bay State Sugar Refinery
Beacon Steam Laundry Company
Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Berg Dimare & Berg
Berke Brothers Distilleries
Beth Israel Hospital
Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Bibber White Company
Bijou Theatre
Blake Building
Block Plant Electric Light Company
Blodgett Estate
Boston & Albany Railroad Company
Boston & Maine Railroad Company
Boston & Northern Street Railway Company
Boston & Oaxaca Mining Company
Boston & Worcester Street Railway Company
Boston Arena Company
Boston Aurora Zinc Company
Boston Beer Company
Boston Bridge Works
Boston City Hall
Boston City Hospital
Boston College
Boston Consolidated Gas Company
Boston Edison Company
Boston Electric Light Company
Boston Elevated Railroad Company
Boston English High School
Boston Federal Building
Boston Federal Reserve Bank
Boston Five Cents Savings Bank, School St.
Boston Fuel Transportation, Inc.
Boston Gas Co.
Boston Harbor Industrial Park
Boston Harbor Yacht Club
Boston Herald Company
Boston Housing Authority
Boston Latin School
Boston Logan International Airport
Boston Music Hall
Boston Naval Shipyard
Boston Navy Yard
Boston Northern Street Railway Company
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston Plumbing & Building Supply
Boston Public Schools
Boston Sand & Gravel Co.
Boston Sausage
Boston Schools
Boston Social Security Building
Boston State College
Boston State Hospital, Service Building, West Side
Boston Sugar Refinery
Boston Symphony Hall
Boston Trade School
Boston Union Std Building Job
Boston University Hospital
Boston University, Nursing School
Boston University, various buildings
Bradlee and Chatman Company
Braman, Dow & Company
Brayton Point Power Plant
Brigham & Womens Hospital
Brighams at the Prudential Center
C. E. Cotting Estate
C.J. Cox Engineering
C.P. Blouin
Callahan Tunnel
Cambridge City Hospital
Cambridge Electric Light Co.
Capitol Tire & Rubber Company
Carter Building
Castle Square Hotel
Center Plaza 1
Center Plaza 2
Center Plaza 3
Central Catholic Laundry
Central Power Plant
Charles A. Sinclair Quincy House
Charles H. Leinert
Charles River Park
Charles River Park Apartments
Charles River Plaza Office Building
Charleston Naval Shipyard
Charlestown Station
Chase Building
Chelsea Naval Shipyard
Children's Hospital
Christian Science Benevolent Association
Chronic Disease Hospital
City Hall
City of Boston - Municipal Auditorium
City of Boston South Bay Incinerator
Clark Cove Realty Company
Class A Fittings
Cleghom Company
Cocheco Manufacturing Company
Cochrane Chemical Company
Cochrane Harper and Company
Columbia Improvement Company
Commonwealth Edison Company
Commonwealth of Massachusetts State House
Community Suffolk Produce Company
Concord Maynard & Hudson Street Railway Company
Continental Construction Company
Continental Refinery
Copley-Plaza Hotel
Countway Library, Harvard University Medicine
Craftmen's Machinery Corporation
Curtis Asbestos
Cycloidal Engineering Company
D.E. Ford and Company
Dana Farber Cancer Center
Deaconess Hospital
Densmore and Le Clear
Dolibur-Goodale Company
Domino Sugar Refinery
Dorchester Station
E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
East Boston Shipyard
East Boston Sugar Refinery
East Cambridge Station
East Logan Airport
Eastern Cold Storage Company
Eastern Steam Laundry Company
Edison Electric & Illuminating Company of Boston
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Edison Electric Light Company, Dept. Isolated Lighting
Edison Light & Power Station
Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
Electric Manufacturing Company
Emmanuel Church
Emmanuel College
English and Flett
F.C. Hood
Federal Office Building, Government Center
Federal Reserve Bank
Filenes Department Store
Fire Department Headquarters  115 Southampton St.
First National Bank
Frank Flater
Frank L. Young & Kimball
Franklin Institute, Tremont St.
General Electric
General Motors Corporation
General Services Administration
Geo B. Fearing Residence
George A. Fuller Construction Company
George D. Emory Company
George F. Blake Manufacturing Company
George H. Sampson Company
George H. Wood and Company
Gibbons Engineering
Gillette Safety Razor Company
Globe House Nail Company
Gold Plumbing
Graduate Center
Grosby Steam Gauge and Valve Company
H.C. Burke & Company
Hallet and Davis
Hancock Building
Hancock Inspirator Company
Harvard Housing
Harvard Medical School
Harvard School of Public Health
Harvard University - Behavioral Science Bldg.
Harvard University - Medical Center Powerhouse
Harvard University Medical School
Hayes Oil Products
Henry N. Clark Company
Hern Furlong Company
Hewes and Phillips Iron Works
Hingham Shipyard
Hinman Asbestos
Hinman Associates
Hollingsworth and Whitney Company
Hollis French and Allen Hubbard
Homans Associates
Hood Milk
Hooper Boiler Setting
Hotel Bellevue
Hotel Braemore
Hotel Statler
Hunt Spiller Manufacturing Corporation
Huntington Avenue
Hyde Park Electric Light & Power Company
IBM Building
Industrial Improvement Company
Ingalls and Kendrickson
Insulation Specialties, Inc.
International Grenfell Association
International Paper Co.
International Trust Building
Italian Children's Home
J. Middleby Company
J.A. & W. Bird and Company
J.A. Grant and Company
J.F.K. Federal Office Building
J.S. Potter
Jaito and Company
James F. Shaw and Company
Jarka Corporation
Jarvis Engineering Company
Jas. T. Shaw and Company
JFK Federal Building
Jh Westerbeke Corp.
John F. Kennedy Federal Building
John Hancock Building
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
John Hancock Tower
Jordan Marsh Company
Joseph Middleby Jr., Inc.
Katherine Gibbs School
Kennedy School
Keystone Building
Kneeland St. Heating Plant
Kneeland Street Station Powerhouse
L Street Station Powerhouse
Labonte Oil
Lahey Pavilion - N. E. Baptist Hospital
Lawrence Building
Lfe Corporation
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Lincoln Wharf Station
Lockwood Greene and Company
Logan International Airport
Lord & Taylor Store, Prudential Center
Lynn & Woodward
Lynn and Boston Railroad Company
Lynn Station
M.B.T.A., High St.
Maine Medical Center, School of Nursing
Majestic Theatre
Malden Electric Company
Malden Hospital
Manganaro Brothers, Inc.
Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc.
Mason Regulator Co.
Masonic Temple - Boylston St.
Mass Eye and Ear
Mass Institute of Technology - various buildings
Massachusetts Fire Proof Storage Warehouse Co.
Massachusetts Electric Company
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Life Building
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Maternity Hospital
Massachusetts State House
Mattapan Chronic Disease Hospital
Mattapan State Hospital
Mccormack State Office Building
Medi-Center, Harrison Ave.
Mental Health Center, Government Center
Merrill Company
Metropolitan District Water Commission
Millstone Fittings
Milton Hospital
Municipal Auditorium
Museum of Science, Science Park
Mystic Power Station
N.E. Baptist Hospital
N.E. Deaconess Hospital, Laundry & Shop Addition
Nashua Manufacturing
Navy Fuel and Oil Depot
Negea Canal
New England Aquarium
New England Baptist Hospital
New England Branch, United States Baking Co.
New England Conservatory of Music
New England Deaconess Hospital
New England Fair
New England Gas and Coke Company
New England Insulation Company
New England Medical Center
New England Merchants Bank
New England Merchants National Bank
New England Mutual Life Insurance Building
New England Power Company
New England Telephone & Telegraph Company
New England Telephone Building
New Hotel Statler/Statler Hilton Hotel
Newfork Newhann and Hartford Railroad Co.
Newport and Fall River Street Railway Co.
Newton Wellesley Hospital
Niles Estate Trustees
Noddle Construction
Norcross Brothers
North Packing and Provision Company
Northeastern University
Office Tower - #1 Beacon St
Old Colony Real Estate Trust
Old Colony Street Railway Company
One Center Plaza
Orange Rockland Utilities
Osteopathic Hospital
Ottawa Railway Light and Power Company
Oxford Paper Company
P. S. Thorsen Company
Park Square Building
Parker House
Pavilion Building
Pch RR - Southampton Street Yards - Milton Academy
Pch Rr - Southampton Street Yards - Mount Auburn Hospital
Perrini Corp.
Phoenix Urban Inc.
Pioneer Engineering
Plymouth County Street Railway Company
Pontiac Village
Post Office - 1St St.
Proctor Estate
Prudential Building / Prudential Center
Prudential Tower
Ps Thorsen Insulation Co.
Public Service Co.
Pump Equipment & Engineering Company
Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Company
R. Marston and Company
Ralph P. Hall, Inc.
Ritz Carlton Hotel
Robert B. Brigham Hospital
Rollin H. Allen
Royal Metal Company
S.A. Currier & Company
S.D. Warren and Company
Scollay Square Theater
Scotia St. Station
Shattuck Hospital
Shawmut National Bank
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Shriners Hospital
Simplex Electrical Company
Smith and Whaley Company
Somerset Hotel
South Bay Incinerator
South Boston High School
South Boston Naval Drydock
South Boston Postal Annex
South Boston Power Station
South Brewer Mill
South Postal Annex
Southampton Street Yards
Standard Sugar Refinery
Stanton Electrical Company
State House
State Mutual Building
State Office Building, Cambridge St.
State Street Bank
Statler Hilton Hotel
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation
Stop & Shop Bakery Division
Stop & Shop Warehouse
Stop & Shop, Inc.
Sturdy Lantern
Submarine Signal Company
Suburban Gas and Electric Company
Sufflolk Law School
Suffolk County (USS)
Suffolk University
Sumner Company
Superior Fast Black and Chemical Company
Swan Incandescent Electric Light Company
Ta Company, Operative Sheetmetal Works
Tech Square
Telephone Building - Harrison St.
Textron, Incorporated
The Albany - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Barry - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Boston - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Decatur - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Garcia - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Glover - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Glover - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Mispillion - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Providence - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Thor - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
The Wasp - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
Thomas G. Plant Company
Thompson-Houston International Electric Co.
Tileston & Hollingsworth Company
Tileston School
Travelers Insurance Building
Tremont Street Residences
Trinity Court
Trubilt Truck Body
Tubular Rivet & Stud
Tucker, Anthony and Company
Turner Construction
U. S. Naval Shipyard
U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital
Unemployment Security Building, Government Center
United Drug Company
United Electric Securities Company
United Fruit Trading Company
United Shoe Machinery Company
University Hospital
University of Massachusetts
US Coast Guard
US Navy Yard
Veterans Administration Hospital
W.F. Schrafft and Sons Corporation
W.J. Niles Estate
Walker Building
Walworth Company
Walworth Construction and Supply Company
Walworth English Fleet Company
Warehouse 13 Incorporated
Warren Chambers
Warwick Mills
Wentworth Institute
Wentworth Institute of Boston
West End Development
West End Railway Company
West End Redevelopment - Charles River Park
West End Street Railway Company
Westinghouse Electric Co.
Westinghouse Turbine
William F Schrafft and Sons
William Filene and Sons
Winter St. Building
Woolworth Building
Worl Radio Station

Otis Air Force Base

Bradford Junior College
John F. Carleton
Refuse Fuels, Inc.

Abrasive Products Inc.
Acands, Inc.
Armstrong Cork
Bergsons Ice Cream, Braintree Plaza
Blue Hill Sports Arena
Braintree High School
Braintree Light Co.
Cities Service Oil Company
Fore River Railroad Delivery
John L. Ray Oil Co.
Noyes Insulation Co.
Old Colony Gas Company
Perkins School
South Shore Plaza
Town Of Braintree
Weymouth Art & Leather

Bridgewater State College, Pope Hall
Bridgewater State Prison
Bridgewater State Teachers College
Mammoth Mart
Massachusetts State Farm
State Farm
State Normal School

Strong, Hewat and Company Incorporated

Acands, Inc.
Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation
Boston Edison Co. - Mystic Station
Brighton High School
C.J. Cox Engineering
Edgar Station
Heil Equipment
Hufarelli Const Company
St. Elizabeth's Hospital
Village Manor

Birnie Paper Company
H.L. Handy Company
Springfield Provision Company

Barbour Welting Co.
Brockton Edison Company
Brockton Gas Light Company
Brockton High School
Brockton Rand Company
Brockton Sewage Treatment Plant
Brockton Water Works
Cardinal Cushing General Hospital
Cardinal Spellman High School
Douglass Shoe Company
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
F.M. Shaw and Sons
George G. Snow Company
Interstate Coach
M.A. Packard Company
Shoe Factory
St. Nicholas Church
U S Materials & Rubber Co.
V.A. Hospital
W.L. Douglas Shoe Company
YMCA Building

Asbestos Textile
Gavitt Manufacturing Company

Brookline Hospital
Brookline Police Station
Collidge Park Community School
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Hearthstone Plaza, Rt. 9
Maimonides School
Pine Manor College
Sears, Roebuck & Company
St. Mary's Garage

Auberchon Block
Kendall Mills

Burlington Mall
C.P. Blouin
Mill Lane Engineering Co Inc.
St. Malachi's Church

Abbott Transportation
Abcor Inc.
Acoustical Fireproofing Contractors
Adolph Kern, New York
American Biltrite
American Can Company (Bradley Sun Division)
American Science & Engineering Building
Badger Building, Cambridge Enterprises
Badger Corp.
Bethlehem Steel Co.
Blake Manufacturing Company
Boston and Suburban Laundry
Boston Navy Yard
Boston University - Student Union  - Mit Radio Chem Lab
Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company
C.J. Cox Engineering
Cambridge City Hospital
Cambridge Court House
Cambridge Electric Light Company
Cambridge Gas & Electric Company
Cambridge Manholes
Center for Advance Engr Study
Central Plaza Building
Charles P. Blouin, Inc.
Combustion Service Company of New England
Cutter Fire Brick Company
Dewey & Almy Chemical Co.
Diamond Laundries, Inc.
Dillaby Fireproofing Company
Eckel's Corporation
Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
Episcopal Theological School
Fresh Pond Pumping Station
General Electric Co.
General Latex & Chemical Corp.
Ginn and Company
Harris Refrigeration Co.
Harvard Biological Lab
Harvard College, Emerson Hall
Harvard Holyoke Center
Harvard Medical Power House
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Power Station
Harvard Square Station
Harvard Theological School
Harvard Towers
Harvard Trust
Harvard University, various buildings
High Rise Apartments, Tech Square
Hinman Asbestos
Hinman Corporation
Huron Towers
Irving and Casson
J.P. Squire and Company
James H. Boyle & Sons, Incorporated
Jas. F. Pennell
JFK Federal Office Bldg.
Kendall Boiler Company
Kendall Square Station
Lever Brothers Company
Lewis Express
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.
Liquid Carbonic Corporation
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, various bldgs.
Mather House, Flag St.
Middlesex County Courthouse
Mirant Corporation
Mount Auburn Hospital
National Biscuit Company
New England Confectionery Company
New England Insulation Co.
Patrick Ross Co.
Polaroid Company
Pump Equipment & Engineering Company
Radcliffe College
Refractories & Building Specialties
Riverbank Court Building
Sancta Maria Hospital
Sandell Manufacturing
Sherington Institute
Simplex, Wire & Cable Company
St. John's Chapel
Suburban Electric Co.
Vappi and Company Incorporated
West End Street Railway Company

Boston Bridge Works
Cambridge Electric Light Company
Ivers and Paul Piano Company
J. Reurdon and Sons, Corporation
Kennedy Biscuit Works
Morse and Whyte
Simplex Wire and Cable Company

Beacon Piping Company
Canton Elementary School
Canton Hospital
Draper Brothers and Company
Elementary School  Massachusetts Hospital School
Emerson & Cuming, Incorporated
International Paper Co
John Hancock Tower - 7Th Floor
Logan International Airport - Logan Heating Plant
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant
Maine Yankee Fitting Stock
Mantville Power Plant
Massachusetts Hospital School
Massachusetts State Hospital
Montville Power Plant
New England Insulation Co.
Norfolk County - Eastern
Pilgrim Power Station
Piping Insulators Inc.
Plymouth Rubber Company
Springdale Finishing Company

Cape Cod
Boston Edison Co. - Somerset Power Station
Otis Air Force Base

Central Parfuerza
Compania Agricola Indarro

Central Ysabel
Beattie & Company

Chace Mills
Sudamtex Argentina

Boston Naval Shipyard
Boston Navy Yard
Charleston Naval Shipyard
Davidson Rubber Company
Department of Yards and Docks
George M. Fox Company
Hood Milk
Seaboard Engineering Co
U.S. Naval Dry Dock
W.F. Schrafft & Sons Corporation

American Sugar Refining Company
Bechtel Corporation
Boston & Maine Corporation
Boston & Maine Railroad
Boston Edison Co. - Mystic Station
Boston Filter Company
Boston Naval Shipyard
Charles-Newton Apartments
Charleston Naval Shipyard
Charleston Shipyards
Domino Sugar Corporation
George G. Fox Company
H.P. Hood & Sons, Incorporated
Ithica Marine Company
Old Iron Side Museum
P. J. Riley - Boston Sand & Gravel Co - B&M RR Yards
Revere Sugar Refinery
Schraft Candy
Shraft Candy Plant
Turner Center Creamery Association
Union Carbide
United States Gypsum Comp
US Naval Shipyard
Whiting Milk

Worcester & Southbridge Street Railway Company
Worcester Consolidated Street Railway Company

Palm Manor Nursing Home

American Biltrite Rubber Co.
B & M Railroad
Bay State Street Railway Company
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Chelsea Gas Light Company
Chelsea Memorial Hospital
Chelsea Naval Hospital
Chelsea Naval Shipyard
F.A. Mazzur Company
Forbes Lithographing Manufacturing Co.
George D. Emery
Lynn and Boston Railroad Company
Metropolitan Coal & Oil
Monroe Shipyard
Navy, Boston Memorial Hospital
New England Insulation Co.
P. J. Riley - Chelsea Naval Hospital - Boiler Room
Panther-Panco Rubber Company
Revere Rubber Company
Riley, RJ and Company Veterans Hospital
Samuel Cabot Corp.
Soldiers Home
United States Naval Hospital
Wilson Barnes & Associates

Chestnut Hill
Christian Science Benevolent Association
Towne Estates/Town Estates - 607 Boylston St.

A.G. Spalding & Brothers
Chicopee High School
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Chicopee Sewage Plant
Chicopee Trade School
Dwight Manufacturing Company
Fisk Tire Company/Fisk Rubber Company
Industrial Buildings Corporation
Kendall Hotel
Monsanto Chemical
Our Lady of Elms College
Production Pattern & Foundry Co.
Spalding Manufacturing Company
Turners Falls Power & Electric Company
U.S. Engineers - Call Street Station
U.S. Engineers - Dwight Street Station
U.S. Engineers CT River Flood Control - Jones Ferry Station
U.S. Rubber Company
Uniroyal Tire Company
Wall Street Journal
Western Massachusetts Electric Company
Westover Air Force Base

Chicopee Falls
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Savage Arms Corp.
Scriber School
U S Rubber
Uniroyal, Incorporated
Ward Six School, Holly St.
Westover Air Force Base

Blackstone Plush Mills
Clinton Wire Cloth Company
Lancaster Mills
Lfe Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation

American Woolen Company, Inc.
Beaver Brook Hills

Catholic Regional High School
Concord Municipal Light Plant
Concord Prison
Concord Reformatory Powerhouse
Emerson Hospital
Middlesex Insurance Company Building

Cubana De Goma
Compania Industrial

Byron Weston Company
Crane Paper Company
Craneville School

Amdur Leather Company, Inc.
Amdur-Limon Tanning Company
Danvars State Hospital
Harold Chemical Products
School For Mentally Retarded
State Hospital
Sylvania Electric Products
Thiokol Corporation
Universal Service Heating

Catholic Memorial High School
Dartmouth High School

Acands, Inc.
Armstrong Contracting & Supply
Dedham High School
Dedham Town Hall

Deer Island
Deer Island Power Plant & Pumping Station

Deerfield Academy

Anchor Color and Gum Works
Arnold, Hoffman & Co., Inc.

Acands, Inc.
Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation
Baker's Chocolate Divison of General Food Corp.
Boston Gas Company
Boston State Hospital
Carney Hospital
Champlain School
Charles Romano Company
Dian Control
Dorchester High School
Dorchester High School for Girls
Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
Ellsworth Supply Company
Mattapan State Hospital
Modern Die & Machine
New England Telephone & Telegraph Company
Papas Realty - Sears Roebuck & Co.
Saint Gregory's School
Sears Warehouse
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
St. Margaret Hospital
Supreme Market
Thomas E. Webb
Walter Baker Chocolate & Coco Div., General Food Corp.

Duxbury High School

East Boston
Atlantic Shipyard
Atlantic Works
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
Boston & Albany Railroad, Clyde St. Pier Freight House
Boston Copper Works
Boston Fuel Transportation Inc.
Boston Terminal Refrigerating Company
Bromfield Shipyard
East Boston High School
East Boston Shipyard
Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Company
General Dynamics
General Electric Company, Edison Lamp Works
General Ship & Engine Works
General Ship Corporation
Grandstand Building - Suffolk Downs
Hodge Boiler Works (Simmons College)
Howard A. Mccurdy
James Elwood Jones
Logan International Airport
Mac Neil Construction
Maverick Mills
Merrimac Chemical Company
Navy Fuel Depot
P.S. Thorsen
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
President Tyler (SS)
Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Company
Simpson Shipyard
Socony Mobil Oil Company
Suffolk Downs

East Braintree
Braintree Electric Light Department
East Braintree Finishing Company
Massachusetts Oil Refining Company

East Bridgewater
A.G. Saganetti's
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Hallmark Nursing Home

East Cambridge
Blake & Knowles Steam Pump Works
Boston Bridge Works
Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company
Cambridge Electric Light Company
Cambridge Gas Company
Cambridge Gas-Light Company
George F. Blake Manufacturing. Company
John P. Squire Company
Revere Sugar Refinery
W.L. Lockett

East Douglas
Haywood Shuster Woolen Mill

East Everett
New England Structural Company

East Groton
Hollingsworth and Vose Company

East Hampton
Hampden Mills
Hampton Company
Industrial Properties of East (aka Hampton Mills)
Sewer Department

East Longmeadow
Demsey Industrial Furnace Corp.
Package Machinery Co.
Package Refinery Co.

East Mallpole
Hollyworth Nose Company

East Pepperell
Nashua River Paper Company
St. Regis Paper Company

East Springfield
New England Westinghouse Company

East Walpole
American Wood Board Company
Bird & Son Roofing
Bird Machine Company
F.W. Bird and Son
Hollingsworth and Vose Company
Roofing Plant

East Watertown
Hood Rubber Company

East Weymouth
East Weymouth Wool Scouring Company
Plymouth Seam Faced Granite Company
Weymouth Light & Power Company

East Woburn
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Northern Street Railway

East Wolum
Bay State Street Railway Company

Aspinock Corporation, Hampton Print Works Division
Easthampton Maintenance Company
Easthampton Rubber Thread Company
United Elastic Corporation

Stonehill College

Malden and Melrose Gas Light Company

Erving Paper Mills
Northfield Hydroelectric Plant
Northfield Mountain

Avco Research Lab
Bond Brothers
Boston Consolidated Gas Company
Boston Edison Company
Boston Elevated Railroad Company
Boston Gas Company
Boston Market Terminal Company
Carpenter Morton
Cochrane Chemical Company
Coleman Company
Esso Refinery
Esso Standard Oil Company
Everett Powerhouse
General Electric Company
Humble Oil & Refining Co.
Koppers Company, Inc.
Market Forge
Market Terminal
Merrimac Chemical Company
Monsanto Chemical Company
Morehaven Sugar Growers Cooperative
Mystic River Powerhouse (Boston Edison)
National Coal Tar Company
New England Gas and Coke Company
New England Retinning, Inc.
Petrolite Corp.
Pump Equipment & Engineering Co., Lubron Company
Shahmoon Industries Inc.
Shannon Oil Burner Service
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey

Atlas Tack Corporation
Fairhaven High School
Home for Aged

Tileston and Hollingsworth Company

Fall River
Acme Neville Company
American Printing Co.
Arkwright Finishing Plant
Arkwright Mills
Barnaby Manufacturing Company
Berkshire-Hathaway Assn Inc.
Bristol Community College
Building Materials
Chace Mills
Cornell Mills
Davol Mills
Doyer Stamring Co.
Durfee Theatre
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Elite Garage
Enterprise Brewing Company
Fall River Electric Light Company
Fall River Gas Works Co. - Charles Street Plant
Fall River Housing for Physically Impaired
Fall River Wastewater Treatment Plant
Falls River Power Plant
Flint Mills
General Cotton Supply Corporation
Globe Street Railway Company
Gray Manufacturing Co. & Owen Schwan
James Marshall and Brothers
King Phillip Mills
Louis Hand Manufacturing
Luther Manufacturing Company
Montaup Electric Company
Narragansett Mills
New England Oil Refining Company
Northern Warehouse Corporation
Old Colony Brewing Company
Pocasset Manufacturing Company
Pocasset Mills
Richard Borden Manufacturing Company
Rlontamp Electric
Sagamore Manufacturing Co.
Salvo Machinery Co.
Sewage Treatment Plant
Shell Oil Company
Southern Massachusetts Power Company
Stafford Mills
Tecumseh Mills
United Merchants & Manufacturing, Inc.
W.T. Henry Eng.
Wampanoag Mills
Watuppa Water Board

National Guard Barracks, Camp Edwards
Otis Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force

Perini Corporation

Fiskdale Mills

Borden Chemical
Burbank Hospital
Crocker Burbank and Company
Cushing Dickenson Realty Co.
Fitchburg Foundry Division (Gas & Electric Company)
Fitchburg Gas & Electric Co.
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company
Fitchburg Junior High School
Fitchburg Paper Company
Fitchburg Plumbing Supply Company
Fitchburg State Teachers College
General Electric Company
Hedstrom Union - Power Plant
James River Paper
Jennisson Company Contractors
Louis Dejonge and Company
Putnam Machine Company
Simmons Saw & Steel Co.
Stratton Rotating Engine Company
V. Pelleteiri & Sons, Incorporated
Weyerhaeuser Company

Pro-Phy-Lac-Tic Brush Co.

Fore River
Granite Mills

Fort Devens
Bowling Alleys, Building P-654

Dudley Hill Development
Foxboro Company
Foxboro State Hospital

Avery Dennison Corporation
Bethany Convent
Boston Worcester Electric Company
Butler & Ullman Inc.
Commonwealth Of Mass - Civil Defense Headquarters
Cushing Hospital
Data General
Dennison Manufacturing Co.
Eatle E. Florence Company
Framingham High School
Framingham State College - Dwight Hall
General Motors Corporation
Hodgman Rubber Company
Housing for the Elderly
Massachusetts Correctional Institute for Women
Massachusetts Home for the Insane
New England Telephone Co., Headquarters Building
R. H. Long Shoe Co.
Senior High School
Sharaf's Incorporated, Cafeteria, Shoppers' World
Shoppers World
St. Andrews Church
Tri Ram Corp.
Tuff Tire
Winch Park School
Windsor Apartments
Worcester Gas Light Co.

American Felt Company
Clark Cutler-Mcdermott Company
Dean Academy, West Central St.

Ox Fibre Brush Company

Algonquin Gas
Thompson Chemical Company

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Conant Ball Co.
Gardner Coal & Oil Company
Gardner High School
Gardner State Colony
Gardner State Hospital
Heywood Wakefield Company
Royal Steam Heater
S. Bent and Brothers, Inc.
Thayer Furniture Co.

Mount Hermon School

Addison Gilbert Hospital
Babson School
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Cape Ann Anchor & Forge
Cherry St. School
Essex County Electric Company
Gloucester Electric Company

Grafton High School
State Hospital

C. G. Sargents Sons Corp.
Fiber Materials Inc.

Great Barrington
Great Barrington Nursing Home
New England Telephone
Simon's Rock College

Berkshire Gas Company
Greenfield Electric Light Company
Greenfield Hospital
Greenfield Tool & Die
Miller Falls Co.
United Greenfield Corp.

Kendall Mills, Division of Kendall Company

Groton School
Hollingsworth & Vose

Butler and Ullman, Inc.
Montgomery Company, Inc.

Hadley Falls
Beveridge Marvellum Company

Brockton Water Works
Halifax Garden Company

City of Halyoke Gas & Electric Department

Hamilton-Wenham Regional School

Hampden City
Plastic Coating Corporation

Board of Public Works

Center Elementary School
Hanover High School
Plymouth County Street Railway Company

National Cranberry Association

Medfield State Hospital

Bay State Brick Company
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Boxboard Products
C.H. Hayes
Continental Can Co.
Covanta Energy Corporation
Haverhill Box Board Company
Haverhill Boxboards
Haverhill Electric Company
Haverhill Gas Light Company
Haverhill Paperboard Corp.
Haverhill Power Company
Haverhill YMCA
Mcaree Brothers Construction
Pentucket Mills
Robert Gair Company
Vernon Plastics
W.S. Lowe and Company

B.B. & R. Knight
Thompson Chemical Company

Bethlehem Shipyard
Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
Hingham Shipyard
Hingham Town Office
Howard Kelly Associates
Notre Dame Academy
Wolfe Sullivan

Merrick Thread Company

J.A. Grant and Company
Jefferson Manufacturing Company
Rockwood Sprinkler

C.W. Boiler Works

Central Foundry Company

A.C. & F.G. Burnham
American Milling Paper
American Writing Paper Company
Bebee and Holbrook Company
Brown Company
Brown Paper Company
Chapel Hill Nursing Home
Chemical Paper Manufacturing Company
City of Holyoke Electric Station
City of Holyoke Gas & Electric Department
City of Holyoke Municipal Power Plant
Crocker Manufacturing Company
D. Mackintosh & Sons Co.
General Electric Company
H. B. Lawrence School
Hadley Company
Hampden Brewing Company
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke Gas & Electric
Holyoke Gas & Power Company
Holyoke High School
Holyoke Hospital
Holyoke Mall
Holyoke Paper Company
Holyoke Street Railway Company
Holyoke Valve & Hydrant Co.
Holyoke Water & Power Company
Isolation Hospital
John J. Lynch School
Keating Wheel Company
Kuc John D & Sons
Mt. Marie
Mt. Tom Powerhouse
Municipal Power Plant - City of Holyoke
Northeast Wire
Parsons Paper Company
Plastic Coating Corporation
Providence Hospital
Riverside Paper Company
Sisters of St. Joseph
Soldiers Home
Stedman Paper Company
Sullivan School
Taft Jenkins Co
Tarco Corp.
U.S. Engineers Conn R. Flood Control
Valley Paper Company
Walsh Holyoke Steam Boiler Works
Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation

Draper Corporation

Hopkinton Gas Plant

Rising Paper Co.
Monument Mills

Firestone Apsley Rubber Company
Intress Inc. Div. Of Bemis Assoc

Freeman Holland Company
La Mara Inn

Town Of Huntington Wastewater Treatment Plant

Cape Cod Community College
Cape Cod Hospital
Floyd Chase & Son
Hiramar - Kelly Corp. Housing Development

Hyde Park
Bay State Street Railway Company
Becker Brainard Milling Machine Company
Berke Brothers Distilleries
Brainard Milling Machine Company
Diamond International
Dorchester Brass Factory
Hyde Park Electric Light and Power Company
Mason Regulator Co.
P. Giosio & Sons
Tileston and Hollingsworth Company
Veterans Housing Project
Westinghouse Electric Company

Indian Orchard
Fiberloid Corp.
Hodges Carpet Company
Monsanto Chemical Company
Springfield Foundry Co.
Chapman Valve Manufacturing / Crane Co.

Ingo Central Isabel
Beattie & Company

Ingo Santa Rita
Leandro Soler and Succrs De Cristina Baro

Stockbridge School

Mcmillan Industrial Corp.
National Bank of Ipswich

Jamaica Plain
Jamaica Plain School
V.A. Hospital

International Paper Co

Jefferson Manufacturing Company

Lakeville State Hospital

Atlantic Union College

Masonite Corp.

A & P Corrugated Box Corp.
Arlington Mills Division Of William Whitman Company
Auto Friction
B G Peck Company
Bay State Street Railway Company
Bolta Co.
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Bride & Grimes
Brightwood Manufacturing Co.
Champion International Corporation
Cold Spring Brewing
Dav O Niter Corporation
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Essex Industries
Greater Lawrence Industrial Association, Inc.
H. P. Hood & Sons
Helfrich Brothers Boiler Works
John Ventura Company
Katama Mills
Lawrence Duck Company
Lawrence Gas Company
Lawrence General Hospital
Lawrence Paperboard Company
Lawrence Plumbing & Heating
Malden Mills Manufacturing
Malden Spinning & Dying Company
Merrimac Valley Street Railway Company
Monomack Mills
Municipal Park Garage
New England Alloys
Osgood School
Oxford Paper Company
Pacific Mills
Refuse Fuels, Inc.
The Bolts Company
Treat Hardware Corp.
Westvaco Chemical Division, Food Machinery & Chemical Corp.
George Westinghouse Jr.
Kimberly Clark Paper Mill
Lee High School
Mead Paper Company
Mead Paper Mill
Peter Schweitzer Division
Schweitzer Paper Mill
Smith Paper Company
Western Wire & Steel

Parkmoos Laminates

Holiday Inn
Shadowbroook Seminary

American Hoechst
Borden Chemical Company
Converter Corporation
Foster Grant
Leominster Heating
Leominster Hospital

Hugh Stubbins Jr. Residence
Itek Corporation
Lexington & Boston Street Railway Company
Page Plumbing & Heating

Lincoln Elementary School

Lisbon Falls
Worumbo Manufacturing Company

A T & T Co.

Western Mass Geriatric Center
Wolfswamp Road School
Zimmerman & Sons

American Hide and Leather Company
American Mason Safety Tread Company
Ames Textile
Avery Chemical Company
Bay State Street Railway Company
Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company, Inc.
Boott Cotton Mills
Boston & Northern Street Railway Company
Central Savings Bank
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Eastern Drywall
Elston Plumbing & Heating
Fremont and Suffolk Mills
General Electric Company
Hamilton Manufacturing Company
Harvard Brewing Company
Henry J. Robinson School
J. E. Curry Co., Inc.
J.C. Ayer and Company
Larchmont Engineering
Lawrence Manufacturing Company
Lawrence Manufacturing Company
Lowell and Suburban Street Railway Company
Lowell Electric Light Corporation
Lowell Gas Company
Lowell Gas Light Company
Lowell General Hospital
Lowell Industrial Development
Lowell Insulated Wire
Lowell Manufacturing Company
Lowell State Teachers College
Lowell Suburban Street Railway Company
Lowell Tech Institute
Lowell Textile School
Lowell University
Massachusetts Cotton Mills
Massachusetts Mills Company
Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company
Merrimack Manufacturing Company
Middlesex College
Middlesex Equipment Company
Nashua Manufacturing Company
New England Power
Nuclear Center, Lowell Tech
Paris Shoe
Parkwood Laminates
Prince Macaroni Company
Runels Construction Co.
Scannell Boiler Works
Scriptures Laundry
St. John's Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Star Market
Sunshine Laundry
Tremont and Suffolk Mills
United States Bunting Company
University of Lowell
Wamesit Power Company

Ludlow Housing for the Elderly
Ludlow Manufacturing & Sales Co.
Ludlow Manufacturing Associates

Lunenburg Jr.-Sr. High School

Bauer Enterprises
Bay State Street Railway Company
Boston and Northern Street Railway Company
Boston Gas Company
Boston Machine
Champion Lamp Works
Dori Shoe
Earlsand Shoe Company
Eastern Smelting & Refining Company
General Electric Co.
General Electric Company
Hoague Sprague Corporation
James F. Pennell
Lynn and Boston Railroad Company
Lynn Gas and Electric Company
Massachusetts Electric Company
National Folding Box and Paper Company
North Shore Hardware & Paint Co
Pennell Dearborn and Hovey
Power Piping
Proctor Estate
Pump Equipment & Engineering Company
St. Mary's Parish
St. Peter's Church
Union Hospital
Western Colorado Power Co.

Lynnfield Powerhouse

Barrett Company
Berkshire Frocks Inc.
Boston Rubber Shoe Company
Converse Rubber Shoe Co.
Friend Brothers Plant
John W. Hoff Co.
Jordan Marsh Company
Lappin Brothers
Lawson Machine & Tool Company
Louie Grande & Sons
Malden and Melrose Gas Light Company
Malden Catholic
Malden Electric Company
Malden Hospital
Malden Housing
Maldon and Melrose Gas Light Company
Manganaro Brothers, Inc.
Mystic Valley Gas Company
Suburban Gas and Electric Company
Tufts University

Manchaug Company

Manchester Town Hall

Atlantic Chemical Company
Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park
Hercules Powder Co.
Reichhold Chemicals Inc. (Hercules Powder)
S.W. Card Manufacturing Company

Town of Hull Electric Department

Henry B. Byors

City Hall
Marlboro Courthouse
Marlboro Hospital
Marlborough Electric Company
Stop & Shop, Incorporated

Marshfield School

Ward Process Inc.

State Hospital

American Powder Company
Concord Maynard & Hudson Street Railway Co.

American Chain Link Fence Co.
Arlington Floor
B & M Siding
Boston College
Boston Gas
Burlington Mall
Frankini Construction
General Electric Co.
Harrington Brothers
John E. Cain Company
Lawrence Memorial Hospital
Medford High School
Medford Supply Company
New England Boiler Cleaning
Tufts University
Wainright Manufacturing Company
Walter J. Ballou Co.

Town of Medway - Wastewater Treatment Plant

Joseph Costanza, Inc.

Bon Secours Hospital

Saint Luke's Hospital

Keddy Manufacturing Company

Bowden Felting Mills Company

Archer Rubber Company
Magid Hope Silk Manufacturing Company
Milford Elementary School
Milford Hospital
Milford Pink Granite Company
Milford Water Co.

Bowden Felting Mills Company

Millers Falls
International Paper
Millers Falls Paper Company

GAF (Ruberoid)

Walter Baker and Company, Inc.
Milton Hospital

Monroe Bridge
Deerfield Glassine Company
Deerfield Specialty Papers

J. Russell & Co., Inc.
Monson State Hospital
Zero Manufacturing Co.

Montague City
Farren Memorial Hospital

George H. Morrill Company

Mount Tom
Mount Tom Kindling Wood Factory

Nantucket Power Plant

Atkinson & Lawrence, Inc.
Carling Brewing Company
Carling Park
Continental Baking Company
Conway Incinerator Company
Conways Metal Products
Edmund M. Wood and Company
Filene's Department Store
Natick Labs
Quartermaster Research & Engineering Center
Sears, Roebuck & Company
Ward Process Inc.

American Can Company
Charlescrest Apartments
Needham High School
Sandler Harmony Shoemakers
Thermodynamics Corporation

Needham Heights
American Can Company
Armstrong Cork Company
N. E. Industrial Center

Lawley Shipyard

New Bedford
Acushnet Factory
Acushnet Process Company
Bennett Spinning Mills
Berkshire Hathaway Incorporated
Brett and Simpson
Coaters Inc.
Commonwealth Electric Company
Cornell Dubilier Electric Corporation
Darthmouth Manufacturing Corporation
Dartmouth Finishing Corp.
Dawson's Brewery
Goodyear Fabric Corp.
Greater New Bedford Community
Hathaway Manufacturing Company
Hathaway Mill
Hathaway, Inc.
Howland Mills Corporation
J.C. Rhodes and Company
John I. Paulding Co.
Kendall Mills
Kilburn Mills
Lambeth Rope Company
Manomet Mills
Mohawk Carpet Mills
Monquitt Mills
Morse Twist Drill & Machine Company
New Bedford and Onset Street Railway Company
New Bedford Gas & Edison Light Co. - Cannon St Station
New Bedford Gas & Electric
New Bedford High School
New Bedford Manufacturing Company
New Bedford Rayon Company
New Bedford Textile School
New Bedford Vocational High School
New England Oil Refining Company
Page Manufacturing Company
Palmer Scott Shipyard
Pier Point Plant
Pierce Manufacturing Corporation
Polaroid Corporation
Revere Copper and Brass, Inc.
Rotch Spinning Corporation
Union Street Railway Company
United Shoe Machinery Company
Wamsutta Mills
William Whitman Company
Yosnold Mills Company

New Boston
Boston Edison Company

Newburyport Gas and Electric Company
Town of Newbury Port - Hale Street Pumping Station

Newport News

Aquinas College
Boston College
Burr Elementary School
Chestnut Hill Mall
Dexter School
Gens House
Horace Mann Elementary School
Mishara Construction
Newton Technical High School
Newton-Highland Extension Rail/MBTA
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Nonantum Worsted Company
Norton Company
St Regis Paper Company

Newton Highlands
Jarvis Incinerator

Newton Upper Falls
Pettee Machine Works
Saco and Pettee Machine Shops

Newton and Boston Street Railway Company
Newton High School
The Ucinite Company
Trw Carr Div.

Leach Refractories
State Prison P-104

North Abington

North Adams
Arnold Print Works
Greylock Paper Mill
Hoosac Cotton Mills
Mt. Greylock High School
North Adams College - Student Housing #9
North Adams Gas Light Company
North Adams State Teachers College
Sprague Electric Company

North Andover
Davis & Furber Machine Co.
M.T. Stevens & Sons Company
Peter Aziz Company
Stevens Paper Mill
Western Electric Company

North Attleboro
Commercial Press Building
Electric Light Board
First United Methodist Church
T.J. Smith Company
Webster Company

North Beverly
Parochial School

North Billerica
North Billerica Company

North Brookfield
B. & R. Rubber Company

North Chelmsford
George C. Moore
Gilet Wool Scouring
Guilmette & Sons
Moore Spinning Company
Southwell Wool Combing Company

North Dartmouth
Southeastern Massachusetts Technical Institute

North Dighton
Mount Hope Finishing Company

North Grafton
Gibane Building Co.
Loewy Construction Co.
Washington Mills Abrasive
Wyman-Gordon Company

North Plymouth
Plymouth Cordage Co.

North Truro
Air Force Station

North Weymouth
American Agricultural Chemical Company
Boston Edison Company
Edison Electric Illuminating Company

North Wilbraham
Collins Manufacturing Co.

North Woburn
Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc.
N.E. Chemical Industries, Inc.

Butler and Ullman, Inc.
Cooley Dickenson Hospital
Massachusetts State Hospital
Northampton State Hospital
Smith College
State Hospital
U.S. Engineers Flood Control
U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital
VA Hospital

Form-A-Lite, Incorporated
Paul White Manufacturing Company

Hilbard Hall School For Girls
Northfield Mountain
Northfield Hydroelectric Plant

Kilburn Glass
Wheaton College


Allied Container
Bird & Son Flooring Plant
Factory Mutual Building
G and H Morrill Company
General Builders
Harding & Smith, Inc.
Holliston Mills Inc.
New London Mills, Inc.
Norwood Hospital
Van Ham Pattern & Foundry
Winslow Brothers & Smith Co.

Oak Bluffs
Martha's Vineyard Regional High School

Opon Island
Visayan Refining Company

Minute Tapioca Company, Inc.
Rinto Manufacturing

Chafee Brothers Company
Worcester & Webster Street Railway Company

Central Massachusetts Electric Company
Diamond National Corporation
M.J. Whittall
Palmer and Monson Street Railway Company
Town of Palmer Wastewater Treatment Plant
Wing Memorial Hospital
Wright Wire Company

Pawtucket School

A.C. Lawrence Leather Company
American Glue Company
Corwin Manufacturing Company
Eastman Gelatine Corp.
Essex Glue Gelatine Company
Essex Trust Bank Building
George Upton
Henry Leather Company
Holiday Inn
King's Grant Motel
Kirstein Leather Company
Morrill Leather Company
National Calfskin Company
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
North Shore Shopping Center
Peabody Schools
Peabody Water Works
Pump Equipment & Engineering Company
Wilson Square Auto Supply

Pigeon Cove
Cape Ann Tool Company

Simonds Saw & Steel Co.

A.H. Rice Company
Berkshire Air Conditioning Corp.
Berkshire College
Berkshire Commons Project
Berkshire Community College
Berkshire Community Company
Berkshire County Savings Bank
Berkshire Gas Company
Berkshire Life Insurance Building
Berkshire Medical Center
Berkshire Metal Worker
Berkshire Street Railway Company
BMC Hospital
Board of Education
Byron Western Power House
Conaty High School
Crosby High School
Crosby Junior High School
Fw Webb Companies
G.E. Navy Ordinance Building
General Electric Company
Hillcrest Hospital
Jack Lindsay Inc.
James and Eh Wilson
New England Telephone
North Academy
North Junior High School
Pittsfield Boys Club
Pittsfield Coal Gas Company Inc.
Pittsfield Electric Company
Pittsfield General Hospital
Pittsfield High School
Pittsfield Incinerator
Pittsfield Iron Works
Pittsfield Police Station
Pittsfield School Department
Saint Mark's School
Silver Lake Steam Plant
South Junior High School
St. Luke's Hospital
Stanley-G.I. Electric Manufacturing Company
Taconic High School
Temple Anshe Amonin
US Post Office
W.E. Tillotson Manufacturing Company
Western Electric
Western MA Supply Co.
Western Mass Electric Company

Place Waltham
American Waltham Watch Company

Boston Edison Company
Cordage Park Company
Edgar Station Powerhouse
Pilgrim Station Powerhouse
Plymouth Carver School
Plymouth Cordage Co.
Plymouth Cordage Company
Plymouth Electric Light Company
Puritan Mills

Cutter Fire Brick Company

Across From Scott Prescott Co.
Alex Diachenko (USS)
Bethlehem Shipyard
Bethlehem Steel Company
Bethlehem Steel Yard
Boston Edison Company
Bssr Co.
Caperata-Panama R P
Caprella-Panama R P
Caprinus-Panama R P
Capulus-Panama R P
Coates (USS)
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts-Nut Island
Cornhusker Mariner
Delong (USS)
Des Moines
Eugene E Elmore (USS)
Fore River Shipbuilding Company
Fore River Shipyard
Frament (USS)
Gene Matty Residence
General Dynamics
George Walton
Gillette (USS)
Greenwood (USS)
Harmon (USS)
Heng Shan
Henry R. Kenyon (USS)
Horace A. Bass (USS)
Jin Jiang
John Tyler
Jordan Marsh
Jordan Marsh Warehouse
Kline (USS)
Loeser (USS)
M.M. Dant
Neponset Shipyard
New Orleans
Noges Insulation Co.
Nutmeg Mariner
Old Colony Mariner
Old Colony Street Railway Company
Oregon Bear
Oregon City
Pine Tree Mariner
Pioneer Muse
Pneumatic Scale Company
Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company
Quincy City Hospital
Quincy Electric Light and Power Company
Quincy Fore River Shipyard
Quincy Glass
Quincy High School
Quincy Shipyard
Raymond W Herndon (USS)
Saint Paul
San Juan
Schmitt (USS)
Scribner (USS)
Snug Harbor School
St. John's School
Talbot County (USS)
U.S. Lines Co.
Underhill (USS)
USS Wasp, Cvs 18
Wantuck (USS)
Weber (USS)
Wolverine Mariner
World Beauty
World Glory

Quincy Point
Boston Edison Company

Devine School
Randolph Manufacturing Co.

General Tire
Joshua Eaton Public School
Reading House For The Elderly
Trancoa Chemical Corp.

B.F. Sturtevant Company
New Haven Railroad
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company

Ici Chemical Factory

Fenway North Motel
Marson Corp.
Maverick Mills
Suburban Gas and Electric Company
United States Bakery

Richmond Furnace
Richmond Iron Works

Howard Hiller Residence, East-Over Farms
Quittacas Pumping Station

Cape Ann Tool Company
Housing For The Elderly

Center Hardware

Bear Swamp Hydroelectric Plant
Yankee Atomic Electric Company
Yankee Atomic Power Plant

Boston Technical High School
Columbia Apartments, 183-185 Harvard St.
Columbia Apartments, 3-9-15 Alaska St.
Columbia Apartments, 435 Columbia Rd.
Columbia Apartments, 466-468 Columbia Rd.
Columbia Apartments, 466-484 Geneva Ave.
Columbia Apartments, 475 Columbia Rd.
Columbia Apartments, 96 Bowdoin Ave.
Elm Hill Apartments, 23-27 Sonoma St.
Elm Hill Apartments, 495-505 Blue Hill Ave.
Hancock Inspiration Company
Hebrew Home for the Aged
Mr Boston Distiller
New England Baptist Hospital
New England Insulation Co.
Preston Plumbing
Roxbury Memorial School
V. A. Hospital

Oxford Paper Company

Texon, Incorporated
Westfield Power & Water
Westfield Power Paper Co.
Westfield River Paper Co.

Keith Car and Manufacturing Company

Saint Lynn
General Electric Company

Bay State Street Railway Company
Boston Northern Street Railway Company
E. Belleau & Sons
Fleor for New England Power
Grace Electrical Company
Lehigh and Wilkes Barre Coal Company
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
New England Power Company
Parsons Laundry
Pgande National Energy Group
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company
Pioneer Plastics Corp.
Poor Brothers
Salem Electric Lighting Company
Salem Harbor Power Plant
Salem Hospital
Salem Power
Salem State College
Signal Manufacturing Company
Thermal Circuits

Salem Harbor
Salem Harbor Plant

Canal Electric Company
Canal Electric Powerhouse
Canal Plant
Canal Project
Mirant Corporation
Negea Canal
Negea Electric Power Plant
New England Electrical Power Station
Sandwich Power Plant
Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
Webster Street Power Plant
Westinghouse Electric Co.

Gibbs Oil
Saugus High School
Thermal Energy Systems Co.
Vallee's Steak House

Tower Iron Works

Berkshire School

Harold Ladig Fiberglas

US Naval Hospital

Calvary Monastery

Brayton Point Station
Montaup Electric Company
Mount Hope Iron and Steel Manufacturing Co.
New England Electric Co.
New England Power Co - Brayton Point Power Station
New England Power Company
NRG Energy Incorporated
Pgande National Energy Group
Polly Farm & Supply Company
United States Generating

B & M Railroad
Bay State Smelting Company
Boston & Maine Railroad
First National Stores, Inc.
First National Warehouse
Ford Motor Company
General Insulation Co.
Groisser & Shlager Iron Works
Hinman Corporation
International Paper Company
Marken Realty
Mcgrath Storage & Withholding
Metro Insulation Co.
North Packing and Provision Company
Plumbing Sales Company
Portland Sheetmetal Works
Somerville Bank/Somerville Savings Bank
Somerville Electric Light Company
Somerville Hospital
Somerville Housing Authority
Squares Packing Co.
Swift and Company
Thermal Insulation Corp.

South Acton
Acton Products Inc.

South Asburnham
Whitney Manufacturing Co.

South Attleboro
Cumberland Engineering

South Barre
Barre Wool Combing Company Ltd

South Boston
A.J. Harris
Acands, Inc.
American Can Company
American Sugar Refining Company
Armstrong Cork Company
Associate Auto Body, 1st Street
Belcher Malleable Iron Company
Boston Army Supply Base
Boston Edison Company
Boston Electric Light Company
Boston Gas Light Company
Boston Harbor Yacht Club
Cole Hersey
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Gillette Safety Razor Company
Harvest Lane Building
L Street Station
M D C Police Station
M. & T. Oil
M. D. C. Police Station
New Boston Food Market
New Boston Station
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company
Regis College
Sithe Energies
South Boston Housing Project Columbus Point
South Boston Power House
South Station
Standard Refinery
Standard Sugar Refining
Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.
White Fuel Co.

South Braintree
Armstrong Cork Company

South Bridge
American Optical Company

South Egremont
Dalzell Axle Company

South Framingham
R.H. Long Company

South Hadley
Mount Holyoke College
Plastic Coating Corporation
Stevens Paper Mill

South Hadley Falls
Carew Manufacturing Company
Plastic Coating Corporation
Texon Inc.

South Hamilton
Hamilton/Wenham Reg. High School

South Hanson
Cranberry Canners, Inc.

South Lancaster
Atlantic Union College

South Lawrence
Shawsheen Company

South Lee
Hurlbut Paper Company
Mead Paper Company
Mead Paper Specialty
Mead Technical Papers
South Lee Paper Mill
South Walpole
Norfolk and Bristol Street Railway Company
Norfolk Southern Railway

South Weymouth
Boston Edison Company
South Senior High School
South Shore Hospital
South Weymouth Naval Air Base

South Wilmington
Merrimac Chemical Company
New England Manufacturing Company

Refrigerated Storage Center

American Optical Company
Ames Worsted Textile Company
Hamilton Woolen Company
Southbridge Finishing Company
Universal Blank Co.

Turner & Cook Incorporation

American Optical Company

Springdale Power

Allen Street Housing Project
American Bosch Corporation
American International College
American Linen Supply
American Rex Oil Heating
Amherst College
Ballard Company
Ballard Construction Division/Bay State
Bay State Abrasive Products West
Bay State Boiler Repair
Bay State Fire Brick Company
Bay State Hospital
Bay State Medical Center
Bay State West
Baystate Gas Company
Bell Telephone Building
Bethel Temple
Birnie Paper Company
Boston & Albany Railroad Company
Carlson Pattern Shop
Century Investment Company
Chapman Valve Manufacturing
Civic Center
Colonial Estates
Converse Carlisle Coal
D. O'Connell's Sons
Daniel H. Morgan
Dempsey Industrial Furnaces
Diamond Match Company
Diamond National Corporation
Elks Lodge
Esso Standard Oil Company
F.C. Roberts & Company, Inc.
Fisk Tire Uniroyal
Forbes & Wallace
General Electric Company
H.L. Handy Company
Hampden Brass & Aluminum Company
Harry Groosky & Co.
Hartford Dispatch and Warehouse Company, Inc.
House of Good Shepherd
Humanities Building  Springfield Technical Community
Humble Oil & Refinery Company
Indian Motorcycle
Insurance Company of North America
Jahn Foundry Corporation
Johnson Asbestos
Koehring Manufacturing
Mac Duffie School
Manufacturers Engineering Company
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
Memorial Bridge Underpass
Mercy Hospital
Monsanto Chemical Company
Moore Drop Forging Company
National Papeterie Company
New England Metallurgical Corp.
New England Smelting Works
New England Telephone & Telegraph Building
New York Central Railroad Company
Northgate Shopping Plaza
O'Connell Construction
P L Roberts & Co Inc.
Penn Central/Conrail/Csx Transportation
Perrini Corp.
Petroleum Engineering Corporation
Phelps Publishing Company
River View Housing
Sheraton Motor Inn
Smith Adams and Houghton
Springfield Armory
Springfield Boy's Club
Springfield Brewing Company
Springfield Coach Works
Springfield College
Springfield Court House
Springfield Gas & Electric Company
Springfield Gas Light Company
Springfield Hobby Club
Springfield Hospital
Springfield Housing Authority
Springfield Plaza - Liberty St.
Springfield Post Office
Springfield Provision Company
Springfield Public Schools
Springfield Realty Trust Company
Springfield Street Railway Company
Springfield Technical Community College
Springfield Waste Company
St. Joseph’s Church
St. Patrick’s Church
Stone & Webster Construction
Storms Drop Forging Co.
Technical High School
Third National Bank
Thomas P. Leger & Sons
Titeflex Inc.
Topps Inc.
Turner Construction Company
Turner Falls Power & Electric Company
Two Guys, Vornado Inc.
United Light Company
United Realty of Springfield
University of Massachusetts
US Armory
Wesson Hospital
Western Electric
Western Mass Powerhouse
Western Massachusetts Electric Company
Western New England College
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company
Wyckoff & Lloyd Co.
Yankee Oil Company

United States Naval Air Station

Baeder Adamson & Company
F.A. Mazzur Company
Memorial Hospital
New England Memorial Hospital

Panther Panco Rubber Company Incorporated
Southworth Brothers
Stoughton Gas and Electric Company
Stoughton High School

Celotex Corp.
New Junior High School

Town Of Sutton - Depot & Snider Station

Case Junior High School

City of Taunton - Municipal Light Commission
City of Taunton - Municipal Lighting Plant
Cohannet Mills
Consolidated Distilleries, Inc.
Dighton Somerset & Swansea Street Railway Co.
General Electric Company
Lynn Products Company
Morton Hospital
New England Cotton Yarn Company
Newton Foods Co.
Nu-Brite Chemical Co.
Old Colony Street Railway Company
Plastics Molding Plant
Taunton Electric Light
Taunton Gas
Taunton Municipal Lighting Co.
Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant
Taunton Street Railway Company
Taunton Water Works

Boston Rubber Shoe Company

Tewksbury State Hospital

Thomson Island
Thomson Island Academy

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Massachusetts State Farm

Proctor School

Tremont Nail Company

Cbh Engineering Inc.
North Truro Air Force Base

Turners Falls
Turners Falls Power & Electric Company

Milford, Attleboro, & Woonsocket Street Railway Co.

New England Power Co.
Power Construction Company

American Mutual Insurance Co.
Safetyloid Company
Wakefield Junior High School

Bird & Son
Harwood Engineering Company, Inc.
Kendall Company
Massachusetts Chemical Company
Norfolk Southern Railroad
W.K. Gilmore
Walpole State Prison
Walpole Tire and Rubber Company

American Waltham Watch Company
Arkwright Insurance Company
Atlas Insulation Co.
Bentley College
Brandeis University
Cabot Corporation
Clevite Building
Clifford Manufacturing Company
F. & S. Installation
Greene Building  Fernald State School
L. & M. Heating
Metropolitan State Hospital
Middlesex County Hospital
Middlesex University
New England Mica Co. Inc.
Pierce Brothers Florists
Polaroid Company
Senior High School , Lexington St.
Stony Brook Paper Company
Waltham Bleachery and Dye Works
Waltham Foundry
Waltham Gas Light Company
Waltham Hospital
Waltham Watch Works
Wirthmore Feed
Wirthmore Foods, Corn Products Technical Institute

Ware Elementary School
Ware Wooling Company
Ideal Coated Paper Co.

New Bedford and Onset Street Railway Co.

Warren Pumps Inc.

B.F. Goodrich
Chatham Apartments
Computer Medinet Center
Cutter Fire Brick Company
Hinde and Dauch Paper Company
Hood Rubber Company
Ionics, Inc.
J.E. Hood
Lewandos, French Dyeing & Cleaning Co.
Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc.
S P Green Co. Inc.
US Arsenal
Watertown Arsenal
Continental Baking Co.

American Thread Company
Flint Mills
Stafford Mills

Watuppa Station
Wampanoag Mills

Mclean Hospital

Claypit Hill School
Raytheon Electric Power Plant

Cranston Print Works Company
Stevens Linen Association
Webster Division

Academy of the Assumption
Lake Waban Laundry
New England Boiler Setting
Newton Wellesley Hospital
Wellesley College, various buildings
Wellesley Junior High School
Wellesley Public Works Garage

Athol Gas and Electric Company
Orange Electric Light Company

Gordon College

West Boylston
Jr.-Sr. High School

West Bridgewater
Noyes Insulation Contr.

West Cambridge
Eastern Refractories Co. Inc.

West Concord
Atlas Insulation

West Groton
Hollingsworth and Vose Company

West Lynn
G.E. West Lynn Factory
General Electric Company
Lynn Gas and Electric Company
New Gear Plant
River Works
Thomson-Houston Electric Company
Utility Section River Works

West Medford
New England Boiler Company

West Newton
Chetezende Extensive Care Center
La Mont Associates, Incorporated

West Orange
Leavitt Machine

West Peabody
Insulation Contracting
New Fire Station & Br Library

West Quincy
Quincy Cemetery Admin. Building & Equipment Garage

West Roxbury
Catholic Memorial School
Coleman Industrial Insulation
Hancock Village
Veterans Administration Hospital

West Somerville
F.H. Newton Company
Somerville Electric Light Company

West Springfield
Amherst College
Boston & Albany Railroad Company
H. Zimmerman & Sons
Hammermill Paper Company
Johnson Acoustics, Inc.
Johnson Asbestos Company
Northeast Utilities
Sears Roebuck
Strathmore Paper Co.
Western Massachusetts Electric Co.
Zimmerman and Sons

West Tewksbury
Ed Martel Welding

West Watertown
H.N. Wane

Bay State Abrasive Products
Lyman School
Lyman School For Boys
Marlboro and Westboro Street Railway Company
Milk Street Substation
N.E. Power Service Company
New England Power Service Company
New England Power-Accounting Center
State Hospital
Westboro State Hospital, Boiler Plant

American Abrasive Company
Bryant Machine Company
H.B. Smith Co, Inc.
L.D.  Phillips
Norwood Engineering Company
Salvage Arms Corp.
Southworth Paper
Stevens Paper Mills
W. Warren Thread Works
Western Massachusetts Hospital
Westfield High School
Westfield Hospital
Westfield River Paper Company
Westfield Sanitarium
Westfield State College
Westfield Trade School
William Warren Thread Works

Liquid Metals Inc.
Westford School

Advance Coatings Co.

Regis College
Seminary for Belated Vocations

Westover A.F.B. - Officers Club

Chevrolet Zone Office/General Motors Corporation
Commodity Warehouse
General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet Zone Office
Seagram's Distillers

Boston Edison Company
East Weymouth Jr. High School
Edgar Station Powerhouse
Edison Electric Illuminating Company
Noyes Insulation Co.
Old Colony Gas Company
Proctor & Gamble
Robert L. Shallow, Commercial St.
Weymouth Air Base
Weymouth High School
Weymouth Light & Power Company
Weymouth Power Plant
Weymouth Naval Air Station

Weymouth Landing
Tuffs Library

Doeskin Products, Inc.

Whitin Machine Works

Housing for the Elderly

Board of Education
Wilbraham Academy

Boston Finishing Works
Charles Heap
Williams College

Hampden Brewing Company

Consolidated Chemical Industries
N.E. Chemical Industries, Inc.
Smithcraft Incorporated

Toy Town Auto Body

Assembled Homes Inc.
Fell Plumbing & Heating Supplies
Scott Company Drainage
Winchester High School
Winchester Hospital

Windham Fibres, Inc.

General Electric

Atlantic Gelatin Company, Inc.
Consolidated Chemical Industries
Continental Chemicals
Freightways Motor Transport
General Foods Corporation, Atlantic Gelatin Division
Johnson Brothers Greenhouse
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Taplin Pump & Compressor
Winn School
Woburn Courthouse
Woburn High School
Woburn Post Office
Woburn Public Library

Tubular Rivet and Stud Company

Woods Hole
US Fish Commission
Woods Hole Marine Research

A.P. Cors & Company
American Steel & Wire Company
Assumption College
Bell Company
Boston & Albany Railroad
Brockelman Brothers Warehouse
Civic Center
Clark University
Colonial Press
Consolidated Elevators
Coppus Engineering
Crompton & Knowles
E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company
Eastern Refractories Co. Inc.
Eco Taruim
Fairlawn Hospital
Filenes Department Store
Galleria Mall
Granger Contracting
Graton & Knight Manufacturing Company
Great Brook Valley Housing
Greendale School
Guaranteed Bank & Trust Company
Guaranteed Bank, Main St.
Hahnemann Hospital
Hammond Haven Nursing Home
Hammond Reed Company
Harney & Sons Plumbing & Heating
Heald Machine Company
Holbrooke Drop Forge
Holy Cross College
Holy Name Central High School
Industrial Technical Institute
Kessli & Mars Company
Lyon Brothers, Inc.
M.J. Whittall
May Street School
Mcnally Heating Supply
Mechanics Bank, Worcester Center
Monsanto Chemical
Morgan Construction Company
Morgan Spring Company
New England Telephone
Norton Abrasives Company
Norton Company
Norton Emery Wheel Company
Paper Craft Greeting Cards, Inc.
Paul Revere Insurance Building
Pullman Standard
Quimby Building  Worcester State Hospital
Research/Hydrotherapy Bldg. Worcester State Hospital
Rice & Barton
Riley Stoker Corporation
Riter Conley Manufacturing Company
Ritewall Drywall
Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester
Saint Vincent's Hospital
Sheetmetal Specialties
Sprague Electric Company
St. Vincent's Hospital
Standard Foundry
Standish Hotel
State Hospital
State Mutual Building
State Mutual Life Insurance
Thompson Steel
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company
Washburn Garfield
Worcester & Webster Street Railway Company
Worcester Automatic Heating
Worcester Brewing Corporation
Worcester Center Mall
Worcester City Hospital
Worcester Cold Storage & Warehouse Company
Worcester Consolidated Street Railway Company
Worcester County Courthouse
Worcester County Electric Co. Webster Station
Worcester County Trust
Worcester Electric & Light
Worcester Gas Light Company
Worcester Hospital & Medical Center
Worcester Insane Asylum
Worcester Mall
Worcester Memorial Hospital
Worcester Nursing Home
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester State College
Worcester State Hospital
Worcester Supply Company
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Worcester Telegram Publishing Co.
Worchester County Electric Company
Worchester Mall - Bergson Ice Cream
Worchester State Hospital
Wyman-Gordon Products Corporation

Strathmore Paper

Crosby Valve & Gauge Co.
Wrentham State School

Massachusetts Mesothelioma Lawyers

Our mesothelioma attorneys are proud to represent mesothelioma victims and their families across the United States, including hardworking men and women in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts State SealThe primary cause of mesothelioma cancer is asbestos exposure. Tons of asbestos were mined in the United States throughout the 20th century and used in many industries, including Massachusetts asbestos mines, factories, power plants, schools and universities. The state of Massachusetts also has two natural deposits of asbestos, putting residents at further risk of exposure.

Major cities in Massachusetts where asbestos exposure is known to have occurred at jobsites include:

  • Boston
  • Worcester
  • Springfield
  • Lowell
  • Cambridge
  • New Bedford
  • Brockton
  • Quincy
  • Lynn
  • Fall River

Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Massachusetts

Our mesothelioma attorneys in Massachusetts are focused solely on mesothelioma cases, allowing us to be sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering while navigating the unique legal aspects of these cases and maximizing each client's recovery. It is important to know that every state has its own laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.

Massachusetts Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

The following are physicians and cancer centers in Massachusetts that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma cancer. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 866-373-5000

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Mesothelioma Treatment Center    Brigham and Women's Hospital International Mesothelioma Program
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115
  Brigham and Women's Hospital
International Mesothelioma Program
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115

Massachusetts Mesothelioma Physicians

Raphael Bueno, M.D.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Division of Thoracic Surgery
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 732-6824
  Pasi A. Janne, M.D.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Dana 1234
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 632-6049
Bruce E. Johnson, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Dana 1234
Boston, MA 02115
Office phone: (617) 632-4790
Appointment phone: (617) 632-5304
Dr. Johnson prefers to be contacted by e-mail
  David J. Sugarbaker, M.D.
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
Office phone: (617) 732-6824
Appointment phone: (617) 732-6824
Dr. Sugarbaker prefers to be contacted on his office phone
Lambros Zellos, M.D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02215
Office phone: (617) 732-6824
Fax: (617) 566-3441

Mesothelioma Resources

Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer found in the lining surrounding the lungs, the stomach, or the heart. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

It often takes 10 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos before the symptoms of mesothelioma develop. This period of time is referred to as a latency period. Because of the latency period, the disease commonly affects men and women that are at least 50 years of age and that worked with asbestos between 10 and 60 years ago.

Massachusetts Mesothelioma Facts

Today, the use of asbestos and the handling of asbestos materials are regulated in the United States but its use is not banned. It is recognized as a hazardous material and is monitored by OSHA and the EPA but exposure risks still exist. The United States still consumes 30 million pounds of new asbestos per year. Additionally, many old homes, factories, schools, warehouses, and commercial buildings still contain old asbestos products.

Two naturally occurring deposits of asbestos also occur in the state of Massachusetts.

The average incident rate of mesothelioma in the United States is 1 / 100,000 - the state of Massachusetts is above the National average with an incident rate of 1.2 / 100,000.

There are a number of different jobs that caused a larger amount of exposure to asbestos on a more frequent basis. Below you will find today's employment numbers for several of these high risk jobs in Massachusetts:

Occupation 2008 Massachusetts Employment
Construction 144,057
Mechanical Engineers 7,810
Electricians 13,420
Teachers & Instructors 4,770
Mechanics & Technicians 17,180
Plumbers, Pipefitters & Steamfitters 11,820


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  • ChemotherapyImmunotherapySurgeryRadiationDeceasedOther
  • MesotheliomaAsbestosisLung CancerOtherUnknownAwaiting Diagnosis
  • I wish to receive information and updates via text messages to the phone number provided.